The "Get Out Of Your Car!" Fund

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

I missed a tow - close call

Dec 10 It's tough sleeping in my sleeping bag when I'm on my period, because I don't want to have an accident and stain the bag. I go to sleep slightly worried. Yesterday I slept in the front seat because I didn't want to risk an accident. I chose a new parking lot to sleep in - in the old neighborhood but not on the street. I didn't want to be caught in the front seat in one of my favorite places.Then I wouldn't be able to go back there. I woke up at 2:30 in the morning - I don't know why. Ten minutes later, a tow truck came and towed the car next to me. I thank God for waking me up just in time. I had turned on the heat because I was cold and was sitting there probably looking like I was waiting for someone. This month I got a new tablet to help me be more organized. My finances are the most organized area of my life. Now it's time to really bring the physical stuff and my time management up to par. The tablet allows me to keep notes up to date, plan better, and keep up with notes without losing them. One of my resolutions was to keep an "Everything journal" - which I did this year - yay, me - but lost each journal at least once. I don't think I'll lose this technology. It's too expensive to mindlessly leave somewhere. I expect the technology to help me be more organized and paperless in the classroom, too. Maybe the problem is not that I'm not organized, but that there is too much paper. Using technology helps tame that. I'm happy to be enjoying this day with family and Jefferson down South.

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