The "Get Out Of Your Car!" Fund

Thursday, November 28, 2013

First day of Thanksgiving break

Nov 27

I have a feeling this Thanksgiving break will pass quicker than I imagined. Today is Wednesday and I had a full day.

This morning I left the parking lot at the hospital and drove to a Taco Bell parking lot where I had leftover chicken and cole slaw for breakfast. While eating, I designed a worksheet for my class. Then, I drove to a university to use their library, but their parking rules were still in force so I couldn’t use any of the free parking lots for faculty. So, I drove to the public library and cleaned out my glove compartment while waiting for it to open. That was a good use of time. I had a ton of old condiments to throw away, and more space when I was done

When the library opened. I sat down for 4 hours and here is what I did:
bought a plane ticket – I’ve been procrastinating on this for a month (wasn’t sure if I wanted to fly or rent a car, but I the return ticket was on sale today!)
2.    completed 3 company docs that are due Friday and sent them in electronically
3.    Bought a battery for my computer on Amazon
4.    drove to bosses office to deliver documents for her to sign so I can take CEUs
5.    spent at least 90 minutes signing up for the CEU classes on the computer. One of the classes is supposed to start in 6 days. They cancelled the class due to low enrollment. They needed 6 students and only had 5! I would have been number 6. I prayed that if it was God’s will that He would make the class happen. I really want to take that class and this is the perfect time for it (approaching Christmas break). I called the school with an unrelated question, and when the lady on the phone discovered the closed class, she made some contacts and the class was reopened!
6.    blogged
7.    watched Judge Judy while walking on the treadmill
8.    showered
9.    ate at Ledos and surfed the Internet
1.  went to bed at 10:00

If the rest of Thanksgiving break is like today, it will go by very fast. 

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