The "Get Out Of Your Car!" Fund

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Hobo Ahle

Hobo Ahle video-blogs about how to live in your car. I enjoy watching her videos and re-living my adventurous experiences of living in my car for almost 2 years. Here is the video link. 

In this video, she gives 10 safety tips. They are good. Some that I especially agree with are
2. “Don’t tell people you’re traveling alone.” In my case, I didn’t tell people I was living in my car at all.
3. “Lock doors all the time as soon as you can.” Absolutely! I’ve had this habit since I learned to drive. Mama insisted. And I’ve also heard the story (tale?) of people hiding under your car to slash your Achilles’ tendons! Ha!
4. “Maintain your vehicle.” Yep. Your car is your residence. Without it you have no transportation AND no house!
5. “Hide your belongings.”
6. “Be ready to get up and go.” I kept my househoes under the gas pedal. When I woke up, I hopped in the driver seat, slipped my feet in my househoes, and took off.
7. “Do your research on sleeping places.” Unlike Hobo Ahle, I stayed local. I slept in neighborhoods that I used to live in, so I knew how safe they were, where to park so that wouldn’t be towed, and the foot traffic patterns around my car.  Don’t sleep in the exact same spot every night. Even when I slept in the same neighborhood, I tried to sleep in different parking spots. I didn’t want neighbors to get suspicious and call the police.

10. Have savings. It gives you options and prepares you for emergencies. I remember when the snowstorm hit. I had money for a hotel for 2 nights and food to last when I couldn’t get out in the snow.
11. Don’t share your location till you have left. That’s why I didn’t vlog like she’s doing or post mylocation in my blog.

I’ll end with a quote by Hobo Ahle. “You can’t let fear control your life. Living in a car is different, but bad things happen even in houses.”

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