The "Get Out Of Your Car!" Fund

Monday, September 9, 2013

Life Routines Are Falling Into Place

This weekend at church I taught Sabbath School. I brought in a snow cone machine and a bag of ice and told students I need to hire a helper to help with preparing snow cones. What qualities should I look for? What questions should I ask in my hiring interview? They worked in small groups to discuss qualities and questions. Then I asked if God were looking for worshippers, what qualities would He look for? At the end of the lesson, I actually chose students to help with preparing snow cones.

Well, I had ice left over, which I put in a cooler. The next day it was still frozen, so I felt comfortable buying food that needed to be kept refrigerated (salads, frozen vegetarian meats, a small tub of Ben & Jerry's). I rearranged the trunk and actually have room for the cooler. (the more I rearrange and organize things, the more space I seem to have). This may be my weekend survival technique - filling the cooler with a $2 bag of ice to hold food over the weekend.

I also managed to make room for a box to keep my weekly clothes in. Now, I just need to iron them. I was going to use my classroom for that; however, the laundromat has an outlet next to a folding table and my storage building has outlets in the hallways (I can setup my ironing board in front of an outlet and iron for 30 minutes once a week).

My car is looking better and better. One week ago it was so cluttered I refused to park it in the school parking lot. I parked it on the street one block away. Today, the front seat and half of the back seat are clear. The other side of the back seat houses my bedding. My toiletries bag and workbag are on the floor of the back seat along with some groceries I just bought.

I make it a point to use the bathroom whenever I'm visiting someone's house. No telling when I'll come across a clean, fresh-smelling, fully stocked bathroom again. When I use public bathrooms I look at them with a different eye, now. I inspect them with the thought, "Will I need to wash-up in here one day?" Yesterday, I used the bathroom at the laundromat. The women's bathroom was out, so I used the men's. It was DEFINITELY a men's bathroom. There were no paper towels or soap. I don't mean the bathroom was out - I mean there were no dispensers! It was like men don't need or expect these things, so don't bother installing them. And, the toilet didn't half flush. Definitely not a place to get ready for my day.

When it's close to bedtime, I prepare my bedding in the back seat in one place, then I drive to where I will sleep that night and climb in the back seat and go to sleep. In the morning I do the opposite. For instance, this morning I woke up at the apartment complex and climbed into the driver's seat. Then I drove to storage and put the bedding away. I don't want anyone to see me prepare my bed and go to sleep, obviously. That's too attention-getting.

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